
♪ Songs ♫

Hey everybody! =)
Do you wanna listen to some compositions I made for the game? ;)

UI - Interface and Screens

Hello again!
Let's show you the interface, oh yeah!

Late news!

Hey guys, has been a long time, huh!? Sorry for the late. Lately a lot of stuff is going on, not only for the game but for another classes that I am doing right now. Maybe I will make a post with another stuff from theses classes here. Maybe not. Who knows?

Anyway... What have I done that made me so busy? What have I worked on?



Custom Avatar Animations

Here we go! I have been working in a few animations, my plan is to make 2 per week (one week is our sprint time) since I have more stuff to do for other classes, unfortunatelly. Wish I could focus only in the game.
But the requirement for the sprints is one and a half animations, so should be 3 animations in 2 weeks. I am trying to make 2 per week :)

So I made a few before, so I am posting here all the videos of the custom animations I have made!

this is not for the game, ok?! =P


Game Company

To publish our game in the Xbox LIVE (even in the XBLIG - Xbox Live Indie Game) we are making a company. We could use the University of Utah company to publish, but we are going to make one by ourselfes.
So the name we choose until now, it's something very very very serious.



How to use the Xbox Avatar to animate!

Xbox Avatar custom animations!
I have been working on this, and I would like to share some tips and advices with you guys.
Some useful links as well ;)
Just take a look.

Some Avatar usage links and tips, check it out!



Let's work on that!

And there is a VIDEO on this post, OHH YEAH! (make sure to check it out!)


Indie Game

If you see two different games, and I tell you that one of them is indie, could you tell me which one?

We did some research about different indie games that we could take a look at some characteristics. Even if the game doesn't look like Ninja Avatars, we still can see what is indie on it.


Guess what

Hey guys, how is everybody going? :)

I have some good news!


Updates from the mothership!

Hey guys, how are you doing today? (or should I say tonight? it's already 2 AM)

Updates! Yeahhh, everybody loves updates!


Next Step

So the next step on the prototyping! =)

I finished the digital level (I basically made a photoshop file with all the stuff that is on the level, they are in different layers so I can change the position of everything). It's very useful, because now we can do any kinds of changes we want, very easily.



Hey guys, how you doing?

So the next step in the game development is the PROTOTYPE.
Uuuu, scary word!

But a prototype doesn't have to be so complex. Just have to show what is the fun in your game, and have a small part where the real art of the game is displayed.


Ninja Royale

Ninja Royale is the name of the game.
I am going to develop a prototype in a team of 4 people, and the theme is:

Mario Kart battle meets Assassin's Creed (using your XBOX Avatar!)
What I have to say?

By the way, I did a research with my team about some games that are a little similar to what we want to make.
Everyone picked 5 games, and my 5 games were:


Presenting a Pitch!

After reading some articles about how to present a Pitch, and spend some time thinking, here comes my idea for a video game pitch: Be a Monster!

There is a lot of horror games in the market, and also there is a lot of games where you are the bad guy.
Instead of do a REGULAR game, why not try to change the point of view?


First Post - explanation

Yeah, so here is the first post!
I would like to introduce myself and the main goal of this blog.
My name is Paulo Matos, I am a guy from Brazil. There, my major is Technology in Digital Games.
I am in a schoolarship now, in Salt Lake City (Utah), studying game development in the University of Utah.
I must to say that this University is AWESOME. The infraa-structure here is one of the best! And here we have a program called EAE (Entertainment Arts & Engineering), for the game development.

So I am enrolled in a good class called Capstone Production.
And in this class, I gonna develop (with a team) a very good game, that will (probably) be PUBLISHED on the XBOX live.

So the main goal of this blog is to be a kind of journal, where I will post what am I doing, how is my work going on, and ALSO I am intending to post some game stuff, some personal stuff, things about a game developer and how it works. It's not so easy to make a game, guys!

So... Let's do it!