
UI - Interface and Screens

Hello again!
Let's show you the interface, oh yeah!

This is the 2nd part, the continuation of this post!
Make sure to read the 3rd part as well!

NOTE: Make sure to click the pictures, so you can see them larger!

So I also worked with the interface!
I created a few screens, such as the gameplay interface, the splash screen (with I had my teammate's Derek Young helping me), loading, menu, avatar login, credits and pause (I guess it's everything!).
I tried to keep it simple, since the Xbox Avatar's style is not too much realistic.

NOTE: Since we don't have a definitively name yet, we are using my name suggestion in the screens: NinjaTar (Ninja+Avatar). This may change!

Let's start from the beginning!
Splash screen (Press Start Screen), with Derek Young's art:
Background by Derek Young

After you press Start, you're gonna be directed to this screen:
By Paulo Matos
Main Menu - Options are going to be in the right spot
 So now you will have a few options! Let's check some of them:

By Paulo Matos
Options Menu

By Paulo Matos
Credits Screen - Where you will see the Stunt Bear members!
Avatar Login Screen (cause we will have multiplayer, oh yeah!):
By Paulo Matos
2 Players
by Paulo Matos
4 Players

The loading screens are going to be better, probably with some gameplay tips ;)

 In-Game interface!
NOTE: for the background, I used other game reference, just the image. It's from a game we found doing some research, and it's pretty cool btw, it's called Mini Ninjas. (Website)

by Paulo Matos - Background Mini Ninjas
All the interface elements were made by me for the NinjaTar game.

Pause Screen - It's gonna overlay the gameplay screen

Boo you lost the game!

This long post is a continuation from this one. Make sure to check it out if you wanna see some custom avatar animations! Also, don't forget to check out the 3rd part! About songs, pretty cool, man!

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