
Late news!

Hey guys, has been a long time, huh!? Sorry for the late. Lately a lot of stuff is going on, not only for the game but for another classes that I am doing right now. Maybe I will make a post with another stuff from theses classes here. Maybe not. Who knows?

Anyway... What have I done that made me so busy? What have I worked on?


(sorry for the possible English mistakes, I feel a little bit sleepy now :) unless they are really funny, so then it's my fault - like my professor use to say)

NOTE: This post is the first one of three. (yes I wrote 3 posts instead of just one. Sorry! But is really worth to read them all! And being 3 different ones make things more organized and clean, trust me!)
The links for the 2nd and 3rd are in the end of this post.

So starting, the Front Flip (AGAIN). I'm still not happy with it, I just need more references and time on it, unfortunately I couldn't finish it the way I wanted to, so I may work with it a little bit more next semester.
Here is the video:

Ok, let's start the cool and new stuff! Oh yeah!

Grab and Climb Hang. BUT PAULO, YOU SAID NEW STUFF!!
Yes, I know I made a grab animation before, but this one is without any wall that you could put your feet! And this one have a hanging animation as well! Check it out! ;)

What else now??
Well, the last animation I made for the game was a turning backwards animation. Take a look (this one have the avatar textures, oh yeah! AND... don't have background reference, so it can be a little bit confusing):

Cool, isn't it? :)
Well, and after it, I worked with more stuff (of course, I said I was busy, cmon, this is not too much!)

I guess I should split it into different posts, because it's other subject... I think it's really better. So I'm gonna post here a link to the next post, I guess XD

Interface! - Part 2
Songs! - Part 3

Thank you so much for reading my blog! I really, really, really appreciate it! =)
You can always comment or send me an e-mail at: paul.matos.br@gmail.com or capitaoveg@yahoo.com.br

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