

Hey guys, how you doing?

So the next step in the game development is the PROTOTYPE.
Uuuu, scary word!

But a prototype doesn't have to be so complex. Just have to show what is the fun in your game, and have a small part where the real art of the game is displayed.

If you are going to present a game for a publisher (as a game studio), having a good prototype, a playable one (you can show a video of the prototype, but always have the playable one in the laptop, just in case you need to show something), give more chances to your game be published.

In my team, I am in the artistic side, so I am making the initial level design.
I have some pics for you, guys! ;)

The first idea was to make a square, where the player could climb the walls, run in the roof of the houses, and be in the asian environment ('cause is a ninja game, right?).

But after it, I start to work in a better idea, a place where the player could pratice to learn the ninja skills. The perfect place is a probable level that can be even in the prototype:
The DOJO. (for those that don't know what is a dojo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dojo)

First Concept Art for The Dojo


Note: the first change is another door in the first level, in the right side. This change was made thinking in a possible running mode, where the players have to reach to the big box in the third floor, so would be unfair to have just one door in the left side). The players (in the multiplayer mode) will start the stage in the tatami, facing each other, just like the beggining of a martial arts fight (in the single mode, tutorial stage, they will be facing the master).

Ok, I am working now in a better concept art (maybe a photoshop composition) to The Dojo, next time I will show you a picture and bring more news about Ninja Royale!
See you guys, take care! ;)

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