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Sorry for taking too long without posting, lately has been crazy! So much stuff to do!
I love this project, and I wish I could work just here, but I have some other stuff to do, like create a good resume/portfolio/demo reel and find an internship, and also homeworks and projects for other classes.

Said that, let's catch up with what's going on! ;)

Finished logo:

Like us on facebook!

We needed an animation that could show a scroll opening, and would show  the quest/story. I was wondering how could I make a rolling scroll in Maya and then I just realized I should make it on Photoshop and give the PNG images to the programmers (PNG can handle transparency).
They have the images, the animation is working really well in the game. =)
But I wanted to show you guys, so I just put everything together using movie maker (yeees, I know, please don't judge me, I didn't have Premiere or Vegas with me!) and here it is:

Also the audio was just a place holder, I just recorded myself with my laptop

Lately, I am having some problems with my Maya 2013, where apparently there is some sort of trembling on the knee (you will see in the next animations video) that was happening only in my Maya. In another computers it is ok, no trembling. If anybody knows how to solve this, please comment! I would love that! ♥
(But I will probably end up just installing it again here, since I couldn't solve this yet)

We had this idea (well, I did) for the credits, having all the developers avatars doing some silly animations. It sounds pretty fun, right? :) I was really excited!
Was... Since we don't have much time, we ended up putting this into our "wish list" (that is huge) and if we have time in the end, we may do it. I also had another idea to replace it, that is to make a video of everybody saying some stuff and just play it in the game. I like when I see developer's videos in the games, but the main reason was that this would be also quicker (without being weird, I guess). And today, Ross Marabella (the new team lead, since the start of the spring semester) came up with this idea that we (the developers) should have our avatars in the game, in the prison level (oops, spoiler!), but since we have some limitations about personalizing ingame avatars, we need to refine this idea a little bit. BE CURIOUS, I AM NOT TELLING ANYTHING ELSE!

By the time we figured out that we were not having the silly animations anymore, I had already done 2 (not refined), since I had some free time. They look really simple and were just for fun, so I will post them here to share the feeling with you guys :)

Imagine in the top of a building, looking down. Imagine him wearing black, a clock and a mask:

Now this one I don't even need to explain, if you are old enough:

It needs to be refined (for example the arms after the kick) and make it more natural.

I may come back to these animations to refine them and use then, but for now, let's focus in urgent stuff.
Like the knock down animation! Because the guards need to be knocked down:

It looks weird a little bit, the head is rotating too fast. After figuring out what the guards would need to do after being knocked, we decided to put them back into action, and so I finished the animation:

Next, on developamer.blogspot.com:

More avatar animations?
What happens when the player loses? 
Will Paulo have time to finish everything including resume/portfolio/demo reel to apply for internships?

This and maybe more, on the next post.

See you there! =)

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