
Summarizing a little bit

Here I have some videos for the animations I've done (that I haven't posted yet), a video from the playtest with the students from the Master's Program at the University of Utah (inside their studio!) and some logos.
Check it out!

Students from the Master's program at the University of Utah playing the Capstone games
We were in one of the Master's studios at the University of Utah

Guard Threat animation

I don't know if we are really going to use or not, but I really like it

Avatar being captured by the enemy

Here is actually where the problem with trembling knees helps me

I refined a little bit the old jump animation:
Maybe we are not using it. Apparently the hand going up is reminding some people of Mario's jump, and we don't want it =P I already made a new jump, I just need to make a playbast of it to post here.

I've made a sliding on the wall animation, so we can jump from wall to wall (like Prince of Persia and Megaman), but I still need to make a playbast of it. After the sliding animation, I made the jump:

Note: The animation is slowed down to 25% and there is two animations in this video. 
I made two different animations so we can manage it better inside the game.

I have been also working in some web design development with Ross Marabella, working on logotypes for the Facebook page and Avatar Trials website. Don't forget to check them out!

This is the work I have done on this semester, not only on this week. It just has been pretty busy, so I prioritized the game publishing than the blog posting. Now there is a lot of content on this post, so I hope at least it make this post fun =P
I am making the videos for the missing animations right now, I'll post them soon, promise. :)

See ya folks!

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